Ch'ang Hon Taekwon-Do


Basic 3-Step Sparring without a Partner

Three-Step Sparring are the initial basic sparring exercises among beginners usually from the 9th Geup thru 6th Geup.  These are exercises for familiarization of correct attack and defense techniques utilizing mainly hands against middle and high targets, and the feet against low targets while stepping forward and backward. 

Basic 3-Step Sparring without a partner is the required Step-Sparring format for promotion when testing for 9th Geup, High White Belt.  Basic 3-Step Sparring is performed alone, without a partner.  This routine should be performed in a formal manner with a high degree of discipline.  When performing this level of Step-Sparring the student should keep the following points in mind:

• The student will perform both halves of Basic 3-Step Sparring without a partner.  He/she will first perform the attacking portion, and then the defenders portion. 

• It is important that the student uses correct stances and that all blocks are executed properly and with the correct tools.

• The student should not be in a hurry - step sparring is sloppy when it is carried out in a fast motion.


Attacker Portion

Distance Measuring:

    The student will come to attention and then step forward with his/her right foot into a right Walking Stance. 

Preparatory Move:

    The student steps back with his/her right foot while executing a left Walking Stance and a low Block with the left Outer Forearm.  The attacker ki-aps at the same time he/she executes a low Block.

 First Attack:

    The student steps forward into a right Walking Stance while executing a right middle Front Punch.  

 Second Attack:   

    The student steps forward into a left Walking Stance while executing a left middle Front Punch. 

 Third Attack:

    The student steps forward into a right Walking Stance while executing a right middle Front Punch. 

 Return to Ready Position:

     The student steps backward into a Parallel Ready Stance. 


Defender Portion

 Next Move:

    The student must ki-ap to signal his/her readiness to begin the defender portion of this exercise.

 First Defense:

    The student steps back with the right foot into a left Walking Stance while executing a middle block with the left Inner Forearm.  The interim hand position for this block is to the right of the body with both palms facing downward, fists closed, and wrists touching with the left hand on the bottom.  At the interim position, the hands are slightly lower than shoulder level.

 Second Defense:

    The student steps back with the left foot into a right Walking Stance while executing a middle block with the right Inner Forearm.  The interim hand position for this block is to the left of the body with both palms facing downward, fists closed, and wrists touching with the right hand on the bottom.  At the interim position, the hands are slightly lower than shoulder level. 

 Third Defense:    

    The student steps back with the right foot into a left Walking Stance while executing a middle block with the left Inner Forearm.  The interim hand position for this block is to the right of the body with both palms facing downward, fists closed, and wrists touching with the left hand on the bottom.  At the interim position, the hands are slightly lower than shoulder level. 


    Without stepping forward, changing stance, or leaning forward, the student will execute a right middle Front Punch and ki-ap at the same time.

 Return to Ready Position:

     The student steps forward with his/her right foot into a Parallel Ready Stance when given the command to return to the ready position.


Step-by-Step Description of Movements:

This fundamental exercise begins when the instructor commands the student to come to attention (cha-ryeot).  When given this command, assume an Attention Stance on the X on line AB, facing D.  This is followed by the instructor indicating that the student will perform the exercise basic three-step sparring without a partner.

When the command to begin the exercise is given (si-jak), perform the following individual movements in sequence.


1.   Move the right foot forward to D to form a right Walking Stance toward D, in a distance measuring motion with the hands placed in a double low block position.

2.   Move the right foot backward to C to form a left walking stance toward D, while executing a low block (half facing) to D with the left outer forearm and then kiap.

3.   Move the right foot forward to D to form a right walking stance toward D, while executing a middle front punch (full facing) to D with the right forefist.

4.   Move the left foot forward to D to form a left walking stance toward D, while executing a middle front punch (full facing) to D with the left forefist.

5.   Move the right foot forward to D to form a right walking stance toward D, while executing a middle front punch (full facing) to D with the right forefist.

6.   Bring the right foot back towards the left foot to form a parallel ready stance toward D.

7.   Execute a (gi-hap), while maintaining a parallel ready stance toward D.

8.   Move the right foot backward to C to form a left walking stance toward D, while executing a middle side block (half facing) to D with the left inner forearm.

9.    Move the left foot backward to C to form a right walking stance toward D, while executing a middle side block (half facing) to D with the right inner forearm.

10.   Move the right foot backward to C to form a left walking stance toward D, while executing a middle side block (half facing) to D with the left inner forearm.

11.   Execute a middle front punch (full facing) to D with the right forefist, at the same time executing a (gi-hap) while maintaining a left walking stance toward D.

After completing the last movement, remain in the position of this last move until given the command to return to the ready position (ba-ro).



When the command to return to the ready position (ba-ro) is given, bring the right foot toward the left foot to form a parallel ready stance toward D. Remain in this stance until given the at-ease command (swi-eot).



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All rights reserved.   Step-Sparring Handbook  © TXu2-050-000 in 2016


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